Tuesday 7 February 2012

Room no. 42

Everyone should experience staying in a hostel atleast once in his or her life.  Not only do you get to interact with people of different natures and temperaments but you learn to deal with the eccentricities of your room mates. (if they are eccentric that is). 
The same thing happened to me when I came to Bangalore. Not knowing who or how my room mates will be made me all the more anxious. Fortunately my room mates turned out really good. They were eccentric in their own cute ways.  We all depend on each other. From waking up in the morning to preparing assignments. When we have to wake up in the morning we all take turns to look at the others bed. Does it matter that we are late and we should wake the others? Not at all. Infact it just gives us an excuse and the license to enjoy a few more minutes of precious sleep. If one does not prepare an assignment the other two automatically start feeling lazy. We crack stupid comments which we wouldnt be caught dead saying in front of other people. 
One of my roomies love sleeping. If given the chance she can sleep on for days. She has even mastered the art of sleeping with her eyes wide open. Eating is another of her favourite hobbies. Suddenly in the middle of the night she will say "I feel like having good good food". At that time I wonder where I am supposed to manufacture "good good food" for her. Then she will take the names of a few dishes, make slurping noises with her mouth and go to sleep. 
My other roomie loves talking on the phone. Either that or she will come in front of the mirror and twirl round and round and smile to herself. Oh! she does this even when she talks on the phone. Her curly hair has become curlier due to the amount of twirling. Under stress or when she is happy she is always twirling her hair. Curd and tomatoes make her day.
Even though our life is pretty much limited to a building and a room we have our instances of fun. Something which I am pretty sure we will always miss.


  1. Thanx shitty for ur concerned love for us...

  2. good writing shitty. perfect...

  3. Nice one for starter,dear sis...waiting for more ! By the way the background looks awesome !

  4. thanks bro... will send you links.. pls keep commenting and viewing

  5. haha...loved this post and yes completely relate to it having lived in the hostel myself while studying...this will be one of the best times of your life...enjoy it and cherish it !!

    Great work and good posts on your blog...keep on writing!!

